Moved over to main website blog:Begin your pelvic floor rehab

Hi to all the wonderful families connecting with Doulacare Ireland. My name is Louise Murphy and I’m a doula and a physiotherapist specialising in pelvic health. 

With the current Covid19 emergency, I’m really conscious that many women in Ireland at the moment won’t have access to pelvic health physiotherapy. This is obviously particularly difficult if you have an acute issue like a large tear after your baby's birth or urinary or bowel leakage or urgency.

So I wanted to reach out to share some tips on how to manage these problems and begin your pelvic floor rehab. 

  1. Try not to panic. Not getting to your physiotherapist immediately doesn’t mean that things will necessarily get worse or never improve. If you have a lot of urgency or urge incontinence (leaking as you rush to the toilet), going to the toilet regularly (about every 2 hours) is advisable. This makes sure that the bladder isn’t over filling and overflowing.

  2. Keep any stitches dry and clean. Don’t apply anything to them except water. Rinse the area or sit in a shallow bath after using the toilet and gently pat the area dry.

  3. For the dreaded bowel movements:

    1. Take advantage of the gastrocolic reflex. This reflex means you’re most likely to have a bowel movement if you go to the toilet half an hour after breakfast, regardless whether you feel an urge or not. Try to make this part of your routine.

    2. Take your time. We all know how it is with a new baby – we run into the bathroom, sit down and push out the pee as fast as we can to get back to our (usually crying) as quickly as possible. So I want you to take your baby with you. Maybe in a bouncer or moses basket or even in a wrap if you have to. Aim to spend 5-7 minutes sitting on the toilet to allow things to happen.

    3. Use the correct position on the toilet. We are designed so that our bowels empty best in a squatting position so feet up on a stool, lean forwards, elbows on knees and entertain your baby, read a book or just enjoy some quiet time!

    4. Use your hand wrapped in tissue to support any stitches if it hurts to them to empty the bowel. 

    5. Take any laxative prescribes for you, hydrate well and eat healthily.

  4. Start some pelvic floor rehab. I usually start this by making sure my patients can breathe well and have some awareness of their pelvic floor muscles and what they’re doing. This sounds simple but many, many people find this bit the most difficult part of their rehab. 

postnatal pelvic floor doula baby birth antenatal class


So make sure that you can do:

  • Upper chest breathing – hand on your upper chest and breathe in so that your chest rises towards your chin.

  • Lateral (rib) breathing – hand on the ribs on each side and breathe in so that your hands move outwards on your ribs.

  • Abdominal breathing – one hand on your chest and one on your tummy. Breathe in and concentrate on allowing your tummy to move outwards while minimising movement in your chest.

If you learn better from observing, just pop the different types of breathing into YouTube and lots of demo videos will come up. 

Practice these different types of breathing in different positions – lying, sitting, standing and practice being more mindful about how you normally breathe. 


Once you’ve got the breathing mastered and can do it without having to concentrate too much, I normally move my patients on to working on their awareness. So while practicing your different types of breathing, pay attention to what’s happening with the pelvic floor. 

Just paying attention to begin with. At first you might not really notice anything but stick with it. 

Look out for:

  • What the pelvic floor feels like when you breathe in.

  • What it feels like when you breathe out.

  • What are your tummy muscles doing?

  • What’s your bum up to? Nothing? Tightening? Relaxed?

Ideally, we want you to be able to feel a subtle release of the pelvic floor as you breathe in and a gentle (not conscious) tighten or lift as you breathe out.

If you’re aware of this happening, you’re ready to move on to co-ordination.

This is pretty simple but takes practice. So: 

  • Breathe in slowly

  • Begin to breathe out

  • Add a gentle pelvic floor squeeze as you continue to breathe out

  • Release

You should be able to feel the squeeze and also the release. If you can’t feel the release, let you a little sooner as your muscle may not yet be strong enough to hold for the full breath out. 

Repeat this 5-10 times a few times a day. If you can, make your squeeze a little bit smaller with each repetition. This improves your control and sensation and reduces squeezing of the other muscles around the area which we want to keep to a minimum.

If you’ve got as far as this, you’re doing great! Keep working on these exercises in different positions and improving your control and sensation. 

If you’re struggling, please don’t feel alone. I’m available through Doulacare Ireland for a chat and will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. There are some online resources available to you that might also help and I’m linking to them below.

My online course: (Coupon Code MARCH2020 for 30% off)

Free online Womens Health After Motherhood course:

Videos from the Rotunda Physiotherapy Department:

This link is about constipation and while you might not necessarily be constipated, a lot of the same information applies:

Some information about dealing with bladder urgency:

Some physiotherapists are also doing virtual consultations for clients so chevk in with your local physio to see if they’re able to facilitate this for you. 

Good luck, 

Louise x

Many thanks to Louise for putting this blog together. You can read more about the support Louise offers here

Moved over:What is all that white stuff on my newborn? (Vernix)

What is all that white yucky stuff on my baby?! 

The vernix caseosa is a greasy, cheese-like coating that covers babies’ skin during their time in the womb. It may not look pretty but the vernix actually serves an important function: It protects your new baby's skin from getting pickled by amniotic fluid in utero. (you know when you're in the bath too long?)

Vernix usually develops around 19 weeks into pregnancy and continues to thicken until around week 34. By week 40, the vernix is mostly gone.

Babies born earlier tend to have more vernix than those born later. Babies born a few weeks before their due date might still be well coated. Babies born at term may only have a little bit of vernix left in the folds of their skin or under their nails. Babies born after their due date might not have any vernix left at all. Occasionally their skin might be wrinkled or peeling as a result, but don’t worry — it’s temporary! (remember the being in a bath too long reference?)

doula birth baby mother father vernix Doulacare

The vernix caseosa helps form a barrier between your baby’s skin and the surrounding amniotic fluid. Its main role is to protect and hydrate

It does have other benefits too:

🤰During pregnancy: The vernix can help to nourish developing gut bacteria (as your baby swallows some in utero) 

❤️During labour: Vernix’s greasy, oily texture could serve as a natural lubricant as your baby makes their way down the birth canal.

👶After birth: Vernix can continue to protect your baby’s skin by helping it retain moisture and stave off bacterial infections as they adjust to our outside world

🤱Breastfeeding: Vernix help babies latch on too. The smell of vernix and amniotic fluid triggers neural connections in babies’ brain needed for breastfeeding. 

🧕For Mother: Vernix contains compounds thought to promote perineal wound healing, so it may aid in recovery for vaginal births. 

So try to resist the urge of washing or rubbing it off. Rub it into baby! Evidence shows delaying your baby's first bath can help with bonding, breastfeeding and protection. WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends leaving the vernix on your baby for at least six hours, and preferably 24 hours after birth. As for an upper limit? There’s no official recommendation. Many parents wait days.

Did your baby have much vernix at birth?

Moved over to main website blog: Obstetric Cholestasis

Obstetric cholestasis

It has a number of names : Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), obstetric cholestasis, cholestasis of pregnancy, jaundice of pregnancy, and prurigo gravidarum.

What is it?

Obstetric cholestasis is a disorder that affects your liver during pregnancy. The main symptom is itching on the palm of your hands or soles of your feet. Another symptom is persistent itching of the skin (anywhere on the body) when there is no skin rash.

How common is it?

Takes from the RCOG : Obstetric cholestasis is uncommon. In the UK, it affects about 7 in 1000 women (less than 1%). Obstetric cholestasis is more common among women of Indian- Asian or Pakistani-Asian origin, with 15 in 1000 women (1.5%) affected.

Iching is a really common part of pregnancy, caused by the stretching of skin as your body accommodates your growing baby/babies. However, it can be one of the warning signs of cholestasis. It is important to flag any concerns with your care provider (midwife or obstetrician). They can preform a simple blood test to rule out any concerns of cholestasis. 


So what happens if you are diagnosed with obstetric cholestasis? 

Once diagnosed with obstetric cholestasis, you will be advised to be under the care of a consultant and have your baby in hospital with a neonatal unit (NICU). 

There is no cure for obstetric cholestasis but all symptoms generally disappear once your baby is born.

Most women will then have additional antenatal checks. This will include regular liver function tests, until you have had your baby. You will also be offered additional monitoring of your baby. Often this will involve extra ultrasound scans checking growth and measuring the amount of fluid around your baby.

When you are in labour, you will be offered continuous monitoring of your baby’s heart rate. There is some evidence that it is safer to birth your baby early if your symptoms are severe. You will have an opportunity to discuss the option of having labour induced after 37 weeks. 

Early induction (before term, 37 weeks) may carry an increased chance of having interventions such as assisted birth (forceps etc) or having a caesarean birth. It also carries an increased chance of your baby being admitted to the special care baby unit (SCBU) with complications of preterm birth. Your care provider or obstetrician will discuss what they feel is best for you and your baby in your individual situation so that you can make an informed choice.

Remember to take time to ask lots of questions. It can be helpful to have a notebook and pen ready to take notes as in unexpected situations it can be hard to take in all the medical information you are being told. 

Take time to weigh up all the pros and cons and understand each step before making your informed decision. 

doula baby parenting birth

Our doulas are an amazing support through this process - walking the journey with you - offering emotional and physical support. If you would like more information on how we can best support you pop us an email on 

A Wonderful Partnership with Irish Life Health

Did you know DoulaCare Ireland have an exclusive partnership with Irish Life Health? 

At DoulaCare Ireland we offer true continuity of care and our focus is supporting families as they transition into parenthood. This is not always an easy journey, but it is one that can be fulfilling beyond words. We support women and their partners throughout pregnancy. We offer continuous support during labour and birth (home and hospital birth).  We will wipe your brow when hot, keep you calm and focused. We support your partner to feel in control offering them tips and tricks too. We stay by your side, after birth. We go to your home. We nurture you as you find your new normal We cook home cooked meals, catch up on laundry, keep the house running so as new parents our clients can slow down and enjoy those early days. We offer evidence based information. We are an independent support person, without the same emotional attachment a family member can have - meaning unbiased care. We pass on years of knowledge around pregnancy, birth and parenting. Helping our clients to make informed decisions about their care and that of their baby/babies.


We don’t want our clients to. drift through their pregnancy, unsure of their options and frightened of their birth.

We don’t want our clients to muddle through in a sleep deprived fog in those early weeks of parenting.

We want them to feel supported, heard and validated.

We want them to feel cared for, safe and confident.

We ensure our clients thrive in every aspect of this journey, not just survive! 

We chose to partner with Irish Life Health for their forward thinking and family centred plans. They have a huge focus on well being (physical, emotional and mental) which we felt sits with our own ethos. What makes Irish Life Health different to other insurers is that their support doesn’t end when you leave hospital. They know that becoming a parent is a life-changing journey that goes far beyond your hospital stay. Their benefits are there to support you emotionally and physically every step of the way.

Irish Life Health can help you access the support you need for whatever stage you’re at on your parenting journey. They have created an incredible Maternity and Parenting Path package. With DoulaCare Ireland you can now claim up to €200 off Birth Doula support plus up to 18 hours Postpartum Doula support in your home to set you up for success!* 


This is all available exclusively with DoulaCare Ireland. Irish Life Health only work with our Doula Agency.  Why choose Doulacare Ireland above an independent doula? 

Because DoulaCare Ireland are a professional national doula agency. 

  • Our doulas are the only doulas in the country that are Garda vetted for their role. 

  • All of our doulas carry insurance. 

  • All of our doulas are trained by a reputable organisation. 

  • All of our doulas attend a minimum of 3 CPD days per year.

  • All of our doulas have access to mentorship & counselling sessions if required.

  • All of our doulas have opportunity to debrief.

  • All of our doulas sign up to a code of ethics.

  • All of our doulas know their scope and practice within this at all times.

  • All of our doulas are passionate and caring. 

  • Mary and Jen are two of the most experienced doulas in their fields and bring that knowledge and support to our doulas and to our clients.

Our Doulacare Ireland national team

Our Doulacare Ireland national team

But there is more! Irish Life Health are offering their members support in many areas to ensure they have a positive parenting experience. You may be entitled to healthy meals delivered to your door with Gourmet Fuel. A midwife visit in your home. Access to the GentleBirth App A beautiful food hamper. Some home cleaning hours. Access to mental health supports with Nurture Health, another of our working partnerships. They are a nationwide counselling service specialising in the care of parents from fertility issues, conception, and pregnancy right through to postpartum and parenting. You can find out more on their website You could have access to a Dietician or Nutritionist Consultation. You could have some Acupuncture sessions or take yoga or pilates classes and so much more!

We are delighted to be a part of this amazing care. We feel parents in Ireland are under so much pressure to get it all right when pregnant, partners are expected to know how to support a Mum during labour (without ever having been near a labour room before). We are expected to just  ‘bounce back’ to ‘normal life’ after having a baby. The big secret no one tells you is you will have to adjust to a new normal. This can take some time. With all of the outlines supports, parents can do this without feeling like they are losing control. Every pregnancy is unique. Every birth experience is unique. Everyone parents in their own way to meet the needs of their unique baby. Babies do not pop out with a manual. New parents have to find what works, one day at a time. Our doulas will be right there, offering encouragement and support every step of the way. 

Any questions?

Please give `Irish Life Health Customer Care team a call on 1890 714 444 or email to check your plan and see what you may be entitled to!

You can read more about some of these fantastic benefits here

For direct enquiries about our benefits with Irish Life Health pop us an email or for general enquiries

*Each policy plan is unique so you can check with their customer care team if your policy is covered or you can make amendments to ensure it is included
