We want to share some of the resources and knowledge we have acquired over the years as mothers and from our work as birth and postpartum doulas, and in other fields of pregnancy and birth. There is so much information out there, which is regularly changing, so we hope to keep you updated through our newsletter and our social media accounts. Sign up and follow us to help you through your pregnancy, birth and parenting journey.


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Print and have our professional guidance in helping you prepare for the arrival of your baby. Print a copy for your birth partner so that they know what you and the baby need for the big day ahead!

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DCI Resource Booklet

Resource Booklet

Download a PDF of our Resource Booklet for the Cork Area. We are working on booklets for other parts of the country, and will review them each year to keep you up to date with what's out there for you, your baby and your family. If you have any recommendations of services you've used and think others would benefit from them, let us know and we can add them to future issues of this booklet. Enjoy!

Gentle Parent Booklet

Gentle Parent Booklet

We also want to offer our DoulaCare Ireland followers more, so we've developed a Gentle Parent Booklet that provides a list of books, websites and blogs that you will find helpful in your role as a parent. We have reviewed the resources personally and have left comments on the benefits and also the small tidbits of information you might find helpful. The Gentle Parent Booklet is something we will review each year, so sign up today and you will be the first to know of our updated versions, and some other nuggets of information. Let us know what you think by sending us an email or a comment on our social media accounts.

essencia Booklet

essencia Booklet

You may have read Mary Tighe's bio on this site and therefore know that she is a qualified aromatherapist. Her extensive work in the birth world has helped her develop these skills further, and she is always happy to share this knowledge. So, if you pop over to the BirthingMamas website and sign up to her mailing list, you will receive a PDF link for a simple, yet detailed, booklet on using aromatherapy during pregnancy, birth and with your baby. It has very useful recipes for each stage of you parenting journey. You can also avail of some very special offers as a subscriber.


Bereavement Supports for Parents & Birth Professionals


DoulaCare Ireland have developed this booklet as a resource for parents dealing with the grief of losing their baby and the health care professionals supporting them. We had developed it initially for our own team of doulas. In DoulaCare Ireland we offer bereavement doula support to clients and we wanted our team to have access to a full list of resources in order to support our clients. However we also realised that having access to this information is so important for anyone experiencing a loss - and to those supporting them. The loss of a baby is an incredibly sad, and often lonely time for parents. Whether you have lost a baby in the first trimester, had a stillbirthh or neonatal death it is a time of loss and empty arms. Being able to avail of support is crucial. There are an amazing amount of charitable organisations and resources for families in Ireland to help grieving parents mourn the loss of their baby. We hope that you find this booklet a help (and if you feel we are missing any supports of resources please email us to info@doulacare.ie and let us know so we can continue to keep this booklet updated Kind regards Mary & Jen April 2020

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