1. Your Name
First Name
Last Name
2. Birth Partner Name
First Name
Last Name
3. Baby Name(s)
5. Were you a...
First Time Mum
Second Time Mum
Premature Baby
6. Where did you hear about DoulaCare Ireland?
Social Media
Print Media
Family / Friend
Birth Fair
6a. Describe which Birth Fair / Other.
7. Why did you choose DoulaCare Ireland?
Was there an obvious advantage that made our agency stand out in some way?
8. How did you find your initial interaction with DoulaCare Ireland?
9. How did you find the support you received from DoulaCare Ireland throughout your pregnancy / postpartum period?
10. Which doula service did you use?
11. Were you happy with the level of service you received from DoulaCare Ireland?
12. Which doula(s) worked with you?
Please tick all appropriate names.
Anne Pennie
Anita O'Sullivan Wharton
Anita Petry
Anna Shaleva
Aude Lemineur-Murray
Breda Greenan
Chantal Stewart
Dee Burke
Deirdre Troy
Elodie Duquoney
Emma O'Connor
Geraldine McGettigan
Jacquie Beamish
Jennifer Campbell
Jen Crawford
Jen O'Reilly
Kate Duffy
Kitty Hackel
Lilly Burgony
Linda O'Flahery
Lisa Joyce
Lisa Tierney
Louise Dillon
Lorna Coleman
Louise Murphy
Mary Tighe
Maura O'Shea
Mairead Heffron
Melissa Fitzgerald
Niamh Mahon
Naomi Young
Rachel Keena
Roisin Fallon
Siobhan Fisher
Shelley Kavanagh
Tehseen O'Donnell
Tricia Nugent
Tatiana Deage
13. What would you say was your biggest fear or worry that led you to hire a doula? Did it play out as expected, and how did having a doula help work through that fear?
14. What specifically was the most helpful part of doula support and why?
15. What specifically was the most unexpected perk of having a doula?
16. Are there any areas that you feel your doula didn't offer information / services that you wish she would have?
Was there anything you were not happy about?
17. If a best friend was considering a doula, what would you tell them?
Is there anything specific you would recommend about DoulaCare Ireland doula?
18. How did your partner find having the support of a doula?
19. Would your partner consider leaving their feedback here?
20. Please select an answer to the following statements.
Our doula answered our questions or referred us to an appropriate source.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Our doula conducted herself in a professional manner.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Our doula spent an appropriate amount of time with us.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Our doula was skillful and prepared.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
21. Would you like to offer feedback on your doula(s)?
22. Would you refer DoulaCare Ireland services to others?
23. If you were to have another baby, would you use DoulaCare Ireland again?
24. Would you consider sharing your birth story with us? (Birth Doula Clients only)
If yes, please add it here, or email to info@doulacare.ie
Release & Acknowledgement
Please click on only one of the following options regarding us using your information.
By submitting this form I give permission for DoulaCare Ireland to publish this testimonial both online and in print for the promotion of DoulaCare Ireland. I acknowledge that my testimonial may be used in part or in whole. I give permission for my name, city, baby’s name & photo to be included as they are provided.
By submitting this form I give permission for DoulaCare Ireland to publish this testimonial both online and in print for the promotion of DoulaCare Ireland. I acknowledge that my testimonial may be used in part or in whole. I give permission for my name, city, baby’s name to be included as they are provided. I DO NOT want my baby’s photo to be included.
By submitting this form I give permission for DoulaCare Ireland to publish this testimonial both online and in print for the promotion of DoulaCare Ireland. I acknowledge that my testimonial may be used in part or in whole. I want to remain anonymous and prefer that my name, partner’s name and baby’s name not be used. I do give permission that my geographical area can be included.
I do not want any of my, or my family's, personal details used for promotional purposes with DoulaCare Ireland.